Let’s Work Together

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Join Me With Redox

Are you ready to elevate your health through the power of redox? Are you ready to start getting some fulfillment by helping others be happy and healthy? Will you thrive by helping people empower their bodies to heal themselves from the root cause? Join me in educating others to help them achieve elevated health. I'll give you all the tools you need and we will work together. Let's book a time to talk about this opportunity. Let's talk about the opportunity redox has for your health or as a business opportunity. Click below to book a complimentary call.


Nutrition/Lifesyle Session or Audit

Navigating a healthy plant-heavy lifestyle for you or your family can be difficult, and it can make a world of difference with help from an expert who has been where you are. Maybe you want to optimize your diet or lifestyle or simply be told what to cook to save time. You and your family deserve to be happy and healthy. Together we can make minor or major lifestyle changes. I'll help you take the overwhelm out of living healthy, $65/session.

Business Conversation

Becoming a top 1% podcaster, #1 best-selling international author, and serial entrepreneur came with blood, sweat, tears, and lots of learning. I am happy to share my expertise, hours of research, and thousands of dollars of coaching and programs with you. After just one session my clients have come away with plans that have made them #1 best-sellers, Instagram influencers and more than doubled their revenue. Be prepared to look at the big picture and walk away with actionable steps towards achieving your goals with confidence, $65/session.


How To Leverage Networking

If you lead a team that is in sales of any kind, this workshop is for you! I will teach your team how to leverage networking groups, perfect their presence, enjoy the perfect 1:1 coffee date and authentically build rapport to increase leads, referrals, and sales. Perfect for leaders in the financial, real-estate, and network marketing world with teams of 5 or more. Creating authentic relationships is everything, 45 minutes $100.

Corporate Wellness

Now more than ever employees need the tools to reduce stress, increase health and be able to work through stressful times. I’ve created a specialized programme to help employees and leaders look at ways to improve their quality of life, to be able to be more present and productive at home and work. This is a win-win for all! Programmes are customized based on workplace ethos, goals, and circumstances. Please, contact me to book a time to discuss your needs and get a quote.

Author Visits

As a former kindergarten and physical education teacher turned wellness expert, Shoshana concentrates on helping families make healthy lifestyle choices. Shoshana will virtually visit your classroom, library, or group for 30 minutes. She will talk about taking big breaths, have a read-aloud of I Am A Peaceful Goldfish, do a mindfulness activity, and answer questions about the book itself as well as the process of being an author. This presentation is perfect for children preschool age through grade 2. Signed copies are available as well.

Ebooks and Courses

Please browse my ebooks and courses to see how you can improve your quality of life. Some of our most popular cookbooks are Easy Recipes for Busy Parents E-Cook Book and Vegan Comfort Foods. People love the 28 Day Plant-Based Party to start them on their plant-based journey. Parents are relieved from so much stress by taking the Plant-Based Picky Eaters programme and the Meal Planning Mastery (learn how to meal plan for life and save money and time. Check out this link for more!

Hire Me to Speak

Looking for a dynamic, entertaining, and informative keynote speaker? Shoshana is your gal. She has spoken on stages with audiences as big as 2,500 people in Toronto, Texas, Las Vegas, New York City, and more. Please peruse the list of speaking topics and fill out the contact form to discuss your individual needs. Shoshana does do virtual talks, local talks around the Toronto area and can also travel. She is also available for summits, podcasts, and corporate lunch and learns.

Tapping for Stress or Wellness

Tapping For Wellness is part of Shoshana’s whole-person, mind-body approach to overall wellness. It stems from traditional EFT, the method of using your fingertips to stimulate pressure points on the body to release blockages in the mind and body to create balance. After being taught to use EFT for wellness by her mentor, Shoshana perfected a system that allows her client’s feelings and actions better reflect their wants and needs. This includes anxiety, making better lifestyle choices, self-sabotage, blocks in their business, and overall wellness, $65/session.